Beautiful pics of A.J. Mendez and Africa Zavala feet & legs

AJ Almasi - born Andrea Almasi - is a Model from the United States. She appeared in the NBC Television Game Show, or No Deal's premiere week as Briefcase Model No.19 in late in December 2005. AJ grew up as an "tomboy" living in Hendersonville Tennessee wearing braces and glasses. The girl never imagined that she could do this, but she is enjoying the process. Friends and family members said she was "bubbly" as well as because her character is strong and that whatever dream she has for herself will be realized. Almasi became transformed through Los Angeles into a gorgeous glamor model as she embarked on a career of modeling and film acting. Aj Almasi's real name was Andrea Almasi. In December 2005, she was picked to be one of the 26 Briefcase Models to appear on the upcoming NBC TV Game Show Deal or No Deal. Aj Almasi is an actor, best known as the star of Deal or No Deal, Bikini destinations (2003) as well as The Late Late Show With Craig Ferguson, (2005). She stood by Briefcase AJ and focuses on modeling and acting, and plans to keep doing it in L.A.

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